Suite 8, Unit 16, Leeway Estate, Newport - NP19 4SL info@arkcommercial.co.uk

Invoice Discounting

Businesses can efficiently exploit the value of their sales ledger by selling their outstanding invoices through invoice discounting in order to reinvest the money back into their operations. When sending out invoices to clients, an invoice discounting provider makes a fraction of the total money available to the lender, giving your company a source of operating capital for the duration of the month while you wait for the payment of your invoice to be processed.

The advantage of invoice discounting is that you retain control over your sales ledger, as well as your pursuit of payments and invoice processing. You no longer have to wait up to 120 days to be paid for your goods and services, and as you are still in charge of your own credit control procedures, you can continue to pursue unpaid invoices without informing your clients about our involvement.